
Vasil Petrov

Vasil Petrov was born in 1964 in Sofia. Singer and musician with broad professional interests and achievements in the field of jazz and pop music. He graduated from the Vocal Faculty of the National Academy of Music ‘Prof. Pancho Vladigerov’. Vasil Petrov works with the Big Band of the Bulgarian National Radio, headed by Villy Kazasyan and ‘Acoustic Version’ – leading jazz groups in Bulgaria. He is a participant in many Bulgarian and international, pop and jazz festivals. He gave concerts with success in Finland, Sweden, Norway, USA, Russia and Japan. Winner of the awards: ‘Golden Orpheus’ 1995 – Hit of the Year, ‘Shelter in the Rain’ music and arrangement Vasil Parmakov, lyrics Milcho Spasov and Terry Kaliski; ‘Golden Orpheus’ 1995 – Artist of the Year for 1994; ‘Golden Orpheus’ 1995 – Album of the Year for ‘The Other’ (1994), ‘Apollo Toksoforos’ Award- for outstanding contribution to the development of Bulgarian culture and its presentation abroad.

Silvia Katsarova

Silvia Katsarova was born in 1954 in the town of Dobrich. One of the most popular Bulgarian pop singers. She graduated from the class of Yevgeny Komarov at the National Music Academy ‘Prof. Pancho Vladigerov.’ Soloist of the famous group “LZ”, founded by her and her husband Milcho Katsarov. Performer of some of the most popular Bulgarian hits, including ‘The Big Ship is Passing’, ‘White Sigh’ and ‘Promise Me Love’. Her duet with Vasil Naydenov enters the golden collection of Bulgarian pop hits, and in 1987 her song ‘Warm Rain’ won the ‘Melody of the Year’ Festival.

Big Sha

Mihail Mihaylov, alias Misho Shamara and Big Sha, was born in 1972 in the city of Varna. He is a popular Bulgarian rap artist, founder of the RNB genre in Bulgaria and founder of ‘Gummy Heads’ group. He is called the bad boy of Bulgarian music because of revelations language used in his songs as a protest and criticism of the negative phenomena in Bulgarian society and politics. He participates in joint music projects with world famous artists. Such was his involvement in the music project with world famous Snoop Dog and DMX. In 2010 he releases his first book, ‘A Sense of Infinity’.

Milena Slavova

Milena Slavova was born in 1966 in Sofia. Rock lady number one on the Bulgarian music stage. In 1993 she moved to England, where she lived and developed her musical career. In 2003, the artist, famous for her eccentricity and rebellious spirit, returned to Bulgaria. In 2009 she celebrated her 25-year stage anniversary, and in 2010 won the prize ‘BG inspirer’ of the annual Awards of BG Radio.

Anatoly Nikolaev Nikolov

Anatoly Nikolov is 38, from the town of Veliko Tarnovo. He graduated from the University for National and World Economics, specialty ‘Marketing and Management. He works in the sphere of trading with agricultural machinery. Member of the Union of the Bulgarian bike riders.

Atanas Valentinov Stoyanov

Atanas Stoyanov is 37, from the city of Varna. Manager of a piano bar. Chairman of Wild Children Motoclub.

dipl. eng. Velichka Lazarova Ragina

Velichka Ragina is 38 years old from Sofia. She graduated from the University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv. Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Responsible for laboratory analysis of raw materials.

Ventsislav Emilov Doykov

Ventsislav Doykov is 30 years old, from the town of Berkovitsa. He graduates with ‘Psychology’ at the Southwestern University “Neophyte Rilski”, town of Blagoevgrad. Chairman of Moto club ‘Mountain Brothers’, town of Berkovitsa.

Veselin Danchev Kamenov

Veselin Kamenov is 45 years old, from the town of Yambol. Secondary education he completes at the Vocational School “Vasil Levski”, Yambol. He works as a decorator in Sofia. Member of Moto club ‘The Riders’, Yambol.

Arch. Violeta Ivaylova Goranova

Violeta Goranova is 34, from the town of Varna. She graduates from the Higher Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Sofia, with a major Architecture. She works as an architect in the town of Varna.

dipl. eng. Gosho Mitkov Goranov

Gosho Goranov is 52 years old, from the town of Vratsa. He graduated from the Technical University as an engineer. He works in field of maintenance of radio and television stations.

Denyu Gospodinov Gogov

Denyo Gogov is 74 years from Sofia. He graduated from Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, Law as his major. Assistant Professor of Administrative Law and Procedure in the Police Academy, lecturer. Attorney.

Desislava Stoyanova Petkova

Desislava Petkova is 34 years old, from the town of Razgrad. She completes her secondary education at the Agricultural Technical School, Razgrad. Professional Agronomist. She runs her own business in the field of trade with car and motorbike parts. Chairperson of Moto club ‘Ludogorski Brothers’, Razgrad.

Dimcho Georgiev Dimov

Dimcho Dimov, 49, from the town of Yambol. Chairman of Moto club ‘The Riders’, Vice – President of the Union of the Bulgarian Bikeriders. He owns a business in trade.

Dobriela Radoslavova Slavova

Dobriela Slavova is 22 years old, from the town of Yambol. Student at Shumen University ‘Bishop Konstantin of Preslav’ in Tourism. She works as a hotel receptionist.

His Reverence Father Evgeni Ivanov Kalaydhziev

Father Evgeni Kalaidjiev is 29 years old, from the village of Borovo, district Blagoevgrad. He serves in one of the oldest churches in Vidin diocese – ‘Birth of Mary’. He also serves at Klisura Monastery. His Reverence is known for his activities in providing assistance and support to young people in distress.

Evgeniy Slaveykov Mironov, MD

Dr. Evgeniy Mironov is 36 years old, from Sofia. Master’s degree from the Medical Academy.He specializes in Lasers at the Dentistry International Academy Rhine – Westphalia, Germany. Specialist in dentistry – general, laser and aesthetic dentistry and implantology. He works at Dental Studio Mironov, which he has established with his wife Dr. Zhasmina Mironova.

Elena Hristova Novakova - Tseneva, MD

Dr. Elena Novakova – Tseneva is 55, from Sofia. She graduates from the Medical Academy. She works at a medical centre in Sofia.

Emil Valchev Lazarov

Emil Lazarov is 39 years old, from the town of Kazanlak. He completed his secondary at the Vocational School of Agriculture in the town of Maglizh. He owns a business in the maintenance of elevator equipment. Chairman of Moto club ‘Black Roses’, Kazanlak. Chairman of the Union of the Bulgarian bike riders.

Dr. Zhasmina Valentinova Mironova

Dr. Zhasmina Mironova is 34 years old from Sofia. She graduated from the Medical Academy – Faculty of Dentistry. Assistant Professor in the Department of Conservative Dentistry. Specialist in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. Works at Dental Studio Mironov, which she has established together with her husband Dr. Evgeniy Mironov.

Reverend Ivan Ivanov

Father Ivan Ivanov is 67 years old, from the village of Novi Han. In 1987 he was admitted as a parish priest in the Church “Holy Trinity”, in the village of Novi Han, and in 2005 accepted monastic Schema, under the name senior monk Yoan. In 1998 he laid the foundations of an orphanage “Saint Nicholas” in the churchyard of “Holy Trinity” which is under the management and control of the church board. The house continues to be built today by expanding the adoption of more people in need. Godly work of Father Ivan enjoys appreciation and understanding of the people.

Ivan Emilov Veselino, Attorney

Ivan Veselinov is 51, from the town of Berkovitsa. Ivan Veselinov is 51 years of Berkovitsa. He graduated Law from the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “. He has worked as an investigator in Montana District Headquarters of the Ministry of Interior, Investigation Department. Attorney. Member of Moto club “Mountain Brothers”, Berkovitsa.

Ivan Zdravkov Bozhkov

Ivan Bozhkov is 59, from Sofia. he graduates the Police Academy, Sofia. Works as a Team Manager in a security company in Sofia.

Ivanka Zdravkova Goranova

Ivanka Goranova is 57, from Varna. She graduates French Philology from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Works as an Directorate Assistant for “Dalkiya Varna” Ltd.

Ivelina Vasileva Mironova

Ivelina Mironova is 29, from Varna. She graduates Industrial Economy from the University of Economics in Varna. Works as a an Office Manager in a security company.

His Reverence Archimandrite Yoan

His Reverence Archimandrite Yoan is 37 years old, from the town of Berkovitsa. He serves in one of the oldest churches in the Diocese of Vidin – “Virgin Birth.” Archimandrite Yoan is known for its active activities related to assistance of socially disadvantaged or distressed young people.

Yordan Dimitrov Yordanov

Yordan Yordanov is 53, from the town of Yambol. He graduates Vocational Teaching from the Teachers’ college in Yambol. He owns a business in car painting.

Margarita Zlatanova Tsekova

Margarita Tsekova is 58, from Sofia. She has graduated UNWE in “Accounting and Auditing”. Works in the field of accounting.

Mihail Atanasov Atanasov

Mihail Atanasov is 29 years old, from the town of Razgrad. He completed his education in the Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering, Shumen, majoring in “Car Mechanics”. He works in a private company. Motorcycle Racer Track Class SBK 1000.

Nayden Totev Naydenov

Nayden Naydenov is 48, from Sofia. He graduated from SofiaUniversity “St. Kliment Ohridski “,” Arabic “. Specializes “Emerging markets for experienced business managers” in William Davidson Institute-Michigan, USA. Participates in a training program in finance, data processing, marketing, management and strategic planning in Wichita State University – Kansas, USA. He works as a Regional Director in a security company.

Nenko Hristov Nenchev

Nenko Nenchev is 58 years old, from the town of Sliven. Graduated Coaching Faculty at the National Sports Academy, “Tennis Coaching”. Inspector at “Criminal Police” of the Police Academy.. Senior Inspector in “Criminal Police” to District Headquaters MI – Sliven. Manager in a security company.

Nikolay Todorov Arabadzhiev

Nikolay Arabadzhiev 36, from the town of Nova Zagora. He graduated from Southwestern University, majoring in “Philosophy”. He owns a private business.

Radostin Ivanov Vanchev

Radostin Vanchev is 26, from the town of Harmanli. He graduates from the Vocational School of Electrical Industry and Textiles “Zahari Stoyanov”, Harmanli. Works in a security company.

Rasim Osman Rasim

Rasim Osman is 33, from Varna. He graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev” – specialty “Law”. Vice – President of the Chief Mufti’s Office in Bulgaria.

Dipl. eng. Svetoslav Kirilov Strundzhev

Svetoslav Strundzhev is 36 years old, from the town of Montana. He graduated from the Technical University, town of Gabrovo. Engineer. Works in an accredited testing laboratory to “MONBAT” Plc.. Chairman of Moto club “Montana.”

Sintiya Mishova Valcheva-Eretriadu

Sintiya Valcheva-Eretriadu is 61, from Sofia. She graduates German Philology from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Works as an Office Manager in a consulting company.

Stanislav Petkov Zhelev

Stanislav Zhelev is 39 years old, from the town of Yambol. Graduated from the Vocational School of Catering, Yambol. He is in private business in motorcycle maintenance. Member of Moto club “The Riders”, Yambol.

Stiliyan Atanasov Dimitrov

Stiliyan Dimitrov is 38 years old, from the town of Varna. Graduated from the High School “Geo Milev”, Varna. Works in the field of distribution of motor oils. Member of Moto club “Nomads”, Varna.

Tanyu Petrov Petrov

Tanio Petrov is 44 years old, from the town of Karnobat. Graduated the Vocational School of Agricultural Mechanization “Gancho Hardalov”, Karnobat. Works for the Ministry of Interior.

Todorina Milanova Milanova

Todorina Milanova is 28 years old, from the town of Haskovo. She has graduated from the New Bulgarian University, “Management and Entrepreneurship.” She works as an Office Manager in a consulting company in Sofia.

Fani Georieva Belneyska

Fani Belneyska is 48 years old, from the town of Pazardzhik. She has graduate High School in Pazardzhik. She works in a home for the elderly. Mother of the brutally murdered sisters Christina and Rosica Belneyski, a crime that shocked Bulgaria.

Ние сме тези, които у нас най-често наричат „обикновени хора“.

Ние сме българи и граждани на европейска България, обединени от една благородна идея – „България, си ти!“.

Ние вярваме, че България това сме ние, нейните граждани, хора с различни професии, интереси, семейства, съдби, но повярвали, че доброто и успехът на държавата зависи от нас.

Ние сме велика сила и можем да направим това, което държавните чиновници и политици не винаги успяват – да видим конкретния проблем и да помогнем за неговото решаване.

Ние действаме със силата на своята обща воля и солидарност.

Ние можем да помогнем на бедния, на падналия духом, на човека изгубил вяра и ориентир в живота.