About the Movement


 We are those who politicians in Bulgaria most often call ‘ordinary people’.

We are Bulgarians and citizens of European Bulgaria, joint together by a noble idea – ‘Bulgaria is You!’.

We believe that Bulgaria this is us, its citizens, people from all walks of life, with different interests, families, fates, but people who have all realized that the good and success of the country depends on us.

We are a great power and can do what civil servants and politicians do not always manage to do – to see the concrete problem and to help for its solution.

We act with the power of our joint will and solidarity.

We are able to help the poor man, the one who has lost their hart, faith and landmark in life.

‘Bulgaria is You!’ is a national civil movement that gives a hand to all Bulgarian citizens who want to have a better life, to live with dignity I a modern and normal country. We have accepted as our cause to improve the quality of life and the standard of living of the Bulgarian citizens in conformity with the European strategy ‘Europe 2020’ for increasing the welfare and standard of living in the member countries of EU. And this means to show civil irreconcilability towards all negative actions and tendencies in the Bulgarian society – from the corruption at the top level of the government to the misery in which thousands Bulgarian families have to exist. This means irreconcilability towards the weaknesses of the governmental, regional and municipal authorities, towards the negative practices in the spheres of healthcare, education, security, judicial and pension systems. This means irreconcilability towards everything that hinders and stands in the way of the young people to find realization in Bulgaria.

‘Bulgaria is You!’ is a national civil movement which unites members and advocates for highly humane and moral causes. It gives people in Bulgaria hope that the difficulties in life are surmountable, that everybody can see their dream come true when they have next to them the held out hand for help and friendship of the members and advocates of the Movement.

We, the members of the National Movement ‘Bulgaria is You!’ want that Bulgarian citizens start to believe in their own power and capability to change Bulgaria. Because the ‘scenario of the transition’ written at the end of the past century is unacceptable for us – neither as present, nor as a future situation for our people.

‘Because Bulgaria is each of us, not just those who ‘represent’ us!’ These are the words of the first Chairman of ‘Bulgaria is You!’ Dimitar Kutsarov who sincerely believes that with the power of a nation-wide civil movement we can achieve what our own politicians will never do.

Goals and Objectives

National Movement ‘Bulgaria is You!’ implements their goals guided by:

  • the fundamental European democratic values;
  • the traditional national and moral virtues;
  • the universal principles of humanism, compassion, multiethnic and religious tolerance, understanding and solidarity in the civil society

‘Bulgaria is You!’ sets the following goals:

  • to work for the improvement of the quality of life and the standard of living of the Bulgarian citizens in compliance with the European Strategy ‘Europe 2020’ for increasing the wellbeing and the standard of living in the member-countries of the European Union;
  • to stimulate young people to participate more actively in the community life and to express their committed civil position on topical social issues;
  • to help the development and accomplishment of the young people in Bulgaria through educational and social programmes;
  • to assist in finding of better managerial solutions in different spheres of the business and community life in the country;
  • to initiate holding of public debates on important national, regional and local issues;
  • to express their position in public through declarations, petitions, letters, meetings, demonstrations and other initiatives permitted by the Law, when the civil rights and freedom guaranteed by the Constitution have been violated;
  • to defend citizens’ rights and freedom with the means of this Statute and in compliance with the Movement’s Programme;
  • to convince young people that the efforts put into changes for a better future are for the Bulgarian citizens opportunity, granted by the Constitution and the Bulgarian and European legislation.

‘Bulgaria is You!’ sets the following objectives:

  • the uniting of all citizens who share the objectives and the Programme of the Movement;
  • expanding the connections between the young people in the different regions of the country on the bases of their professional and creative interests;
  • assisting with ideas, programmes and funding for organizing Interests Clubs on local, regional and country level;
  • promoting the objectives, ideas and principles of the Movement among different social and professional groups and communities in the spheres of culture, science, economic and social development, education and sport;
  • helping morally and financially its members and the citizens for a better professional realization and solving of certain social issues, for increasing their professional qualification and realization on the work market.

 ‘Bulgaria is You!’ implements its objectives and tasks through:

  • collaboration with the state and local authorities to find better solutions of issues in all spheres of public life;
  • organizing of national discussion forums: round tables, conferences, seminars on issues, which are important for the state and the community;
  • collaboration with other similar organizations in Bulgaria and abroad to create joint projects and programmes;
  • establishing of a public award fund Civil Initiative which shall be used to stimulate civil activity and distinguish dignified civil deeds;
  • assisting the public and media activities of its members through holding regular press conferences and participation the mass media;
  • providing information about bad managerial practices to the respective state authorities and insisting on  their termination;
  • providing and maintenance of the necessary equipment and facilities of the Movement.

Basic organizational principles

  • Volunteering and equality for all members;
  • Rights of its members to elect and to be elected in the governing bodies of the Movement;
  • Election and fixed mandates of the governing bodies of the Movements and regular reporting of their activities to its members;
  • Free choice of the organizational forms and activities of the Movement, formed on different criteria: territorial, professional, common, social, spiritual, cultural, economic, sports and other interests.


Members of the National Movement ‘Bulgaria is You! can be Bulgarian physical persons and legal entities, as well as those citizens of the other member-countries of the European Union, who adopt the Statutes, aims and work for the implementation of the goals that the Movement sets itself.

  • Membership is voluntary.
  • Members’ enlisting is done by the National Civil Council (NCC) of the Movement and by structures authorized by it, after filing of a written application.
  • Legal entities, who apply for membership, shall file an application, notarized copy of the entity’s legal state of registration and minutes of the decision of the managerial body.


 The application forms should be sent as follows:

National Movement ‘BULGARIA IS YOU!’ operates and works in accordance with its Statute.
