

dipl. eng. Dimitar Kutsarov

Dimitar Kutsarov was born in 1958 in the village of Gradinarovo, Varna district. In 1985 he graduates from the Police Academy in Sofia as an engineer. In 1991 he founded the private security company Bodyguard-Fire-K which specializes in providing security for VIPs. He is also a private detective. Kutsarov is a co-founder of the international organization of private security companies Eurosecurity Group. The company works with associates in all European countries, USA, Israel and Russia. In 2003 he initiates and organizes an International conference on the issues of foreign investments security in Bulgaria, in which representatives of 12 countries take part. In 2005 he organizes a Second international conference on ‘Cooperation of Private Security Companies in the European Union with the Police’. Representatives of the diplomatic corps, government institutions, the Ministry of Interior of private security companies in Europe and Bulgaria attend the conference and participate at it. In 2007 Kutsarov organizes the First International Forum on Combating Crime and Corruption in Bulgaria. Prominent European politicians, public figures, diplomats, representatives of the European Commission, professionals, and representatives of the clergy participated at the Forum. Mr. Kutsarov’s ideas for uniting the efforts of the private security companies to create a climate of safety and security of business relations meet a wind response both in Bulgaria and abroad. In 2011, in co-operation with the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, the Head Mufti’s of the Muslims, the Catholic Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Jewish Organization in Bulgaria Shalom he organizes in Sofia the First International Conference ‘Religion for the benefit of People’. At the Conference representatives of the three world religions – Christianity, Islam and Judaism – discussed the issues of effective combating and prevention of the faithful from the dangers of religious fundamentalism, terrorism based on religious beliefs and intolerance.

Deputy Chairmen:

Dimcho Georgiev Dimov

Ivan Emilov Veselinov

Milena Slavova Page – Roberts

Nayden Totev Naydenov

National Civil Council:

Atanas Valentinov Stoyanov

Dimcho Georgiev Dimov

Dimitar Demirov Kutsarov

Evgeniy Slaveykov Mironov, MD

Emil Valchev Lazarov

Ivan Emilov Vesselinov

Ivanka Zdravkova Goranova

Ivelina Vasileva Mironova

Margarita Zlatanova Tsekova

Milena Slavova Page – Roberts

Mihail Stanislavov Mihaylov

Nayden Totev Naydenov

Rasim Osman Rasim

Svetoslav Kirilov Strundzhev

Silviya Demireva Shishkova Katsarova

Todorina Milanova Milanova

Fani Georgieva Belneyska


Chief Coordinator:

Nayden Totev Naydenov

Deputy Coordinator:

Todorina Milanova Milanova

Supervisory Board:

Margarita zlatanova Tsekova

Rasim Osman Rasim

Svetoslav Kirilov Strundzhev

Executive Committee:

prof. Dr. Aleksadar Yordanov Aleksandrov

Dimitar Demirov Kutsarov

Evgeniy Slaveykov Mironov, MD

Margarita Zlatanova Tsekova

Nayden Totev Naydenov

Todorina Milanova Milanova

Fani Georgieva Belneyska

Ние сме тези, които у нас най-често наричат „обикновени хора“.

Ние сме българи и граждани на европейска България, обединени от една благородна идея – „България, си ти!“.

Ние вярваме, че България това сме ние, нейните граждани, хора с различни професии, интереси, семейства, съдби, но повярвали, че доброто и успехът на държавата зависи от нас.

Ние сме велика сила и можем да направим това, което държавните чиновници и политици не винаги успяват – да видим конкретния проблем и да помогнем за неговото решаване.

Ние действаме със силата на своята обща воля и солидарност.

Ние можем да помогнем на бедния, на падналия духом, на човека изгубил вяра и ориентир в живота.