Zdravka Hristova, Coordinator of NM ‘Bulgaria is You!’ about the ‘Coloured Olimpics’ at Radio Focus
May 16, 2013, 15:31
May 16, 2013 | 13: 10 | Focus Information Agency
Home/Civil movements
Sofia. ‘National Movement ‘Bulgaria is You!’ and 162 Elementary school ‘Otets Paisiy’ in Sofia organized ‘Coloured Olympics’ for excellent students’, announce for Radio Focus the Movement coordinator Zdravka Hristova. She clarified that the competition will be held within two days, today and tomorrow, and includes exams in Maths, Bulgarian, Geography, History and German for students from the school. Representatives of ‘Bulgaria is You!’said that the event enjoys a great interest on the part of children. ‘That’s why the Olympics will be held in two days – because there was a lot of interest among the children. They want to pass more than one subject, so today we do some of the tests and tomorrow, and the others,’explained Zdravka Hristova. The awarding ceremony of winners will take place on the first of June and will be accompanied by gifts and games, famous guests, but so far the ‘National Movement ‘Bulgaria is You!’ keeps their names in secret. The organizers expressed the hope that the initiative will become a tradition. ‘The aim is to unite the children, to remove the social barriers and prejudice in the society. And besides, and to encourage creativity and the pursuit of knowledge in adolescents’, said Zdravka Hristova.